What is it & what are your requirements?
All property managers/landlords of a building with 3+ apartment must send yearly safety documentation and forms to tenants in
order to ensure compliance with city agencies.
All owners of building six stories or higher must:
Hand deliver or mail first-class or send with January rent bill
Track & store responses & follow up on non-respondents
Inspect for lead paint & oversee window guard installations
Notify the DOHMH if you can’t find out about a child living in apt.
Keep records of mailings, follow-up efforts & responses.
If you don’t receive responses from tenants, you need to inspect their apartments for proof of child(ren). If you can’t get into their apartment to do so, document & retain proof of your efforts for ten years to avoid criminal charges & liability.
What must it include?
- Fire & Emergency Preparedness (FEP) Guides!
- Window Guard Notices
- Lead Paint Notices
- Forms inquiring about the ages of any children living in your tenants’ apartments, window guards & stove knob covers
How we can help?
Jaffa can help you with EVERYTHING! We take care of the entire process for you. From mailing the forms to following up on any work that needs to be done as a result of your responses.
All you’ll need to do is fill out some basic information on our website and Jaffa will take care of the rest. Plus, we provide 5 easy ways for your tenants to respond ensuring a higher response rate Ensuring your compliance.
Want to keep tabs on the process? You can do that too by tracking the entire process online and viewing scanned copy of the responses whenever you need them.
Contact us today for more details.
How much?
Are there any other risks?
If an accident occurs in one of your dwellings & you did not comply with this law, you may be charged with a crime, which canmean increased insurance rates,and/or prison time. To make it even worse, you can be hit with a lawsuit for negligence from the affected tenant.
Notices Sent via Mail:
January 1st – January 15th
Notices Sent with Rent Bill:
December 15th – January 16th
Tenants Responses:
February 15th