JJ Blog-End-of-Year Deadlines
‘Tis the season of the endless to-do lists! Between the gift shopping, cooking for the holidays, and the million other tasks you need to tend to before year’s end, the days are packed. And as you wrap up the year, don’t forget your end-of-the-year compliance deadlines. Make sure to remember to file all the paperwork and schedule all the inspections necessary before the end of the year.
Stressing over which tasks you need to do before the New Year? No worries—we’ve done the legwork for you! Below, we’ve compiled a comprehensive list of all the year-end deadlines so you can see exactly what you need to do before the old year blows out and the new one blows in.
1. File your annual bedbug report
The last day to file your building’s annual bedbug report is Dec. 31 of each calendar year. The report will cover the period of 11/1/21 through 10/31/22 and can be filed anytime from 12/01/22 through 12/31/22.
Here’s how it’s done:
- Make an attempt to obtain the bedbug infestation history from the tenant or unit owner of each unit in your multiple-dwelling property.
- Complete your bedbug report and file it online with the HPD. The report must include the number of dwelling units in your building, the number of units that had a bedbug infestation during the period in question, the number of units in which eradication measures were employed during this time, as well as the number of units that had a bedbug infestation after eradication measures were employed.
- Distribute a copy of the form to every tenant in the building upon each new or renewed lease and post it in a prominent location within the building.
- In addition to filing the annual report, you are also required to maintain your property so that it is free from pests, which includes, but is not limited to, providing extermination services and keeping the building free of excess debris. You are also required to take appropriate measures if a tenant complains of an infestation.
2. File your annual elevator and boiler inspections
Dec. 31 is the last day to file your annual elevator and boiler inspection with the DOB NOW: Safety DOB. All high-pressure and low-pressure boilers must be inspected annually, and reports must be submitted to the DOB within 14 days after the inspection. Elevators must have periodic inspections as well, and Category 1 tests at any time throughout the year. The annual inspections, periodic inspections and Category 1 tests must be performed by Dec. 31, 2022. Reports for the periodic inspection must be submitted to the DOB within 14 days of the test, and reports for the Category 1 test must be submitted within 21 days of the test.
If you haven’t had your elevators and boilers inspected yet, make sure you schedule your inspection today!
3. Inspect your buildings for allergen hazards and pests
NYC property owners are required by law to perform indoor allergen hazard investigations by Dec. 31 of each year.
Here’s what that means for you.
- All owners of buildings with three or more units must keep their apartments free of molds and pests. If the presence of an allergen or pest is discovered, the owner must take appropriate eradication measures.
- Inspect each dwelling unit and common area in the building annually for allergen hazards like mold, as well as household pests like mice, cockroaches and rats.
- Provide notice to tenants informing them of the presence of an allergen or pest.
- Submit a certification of correction for any violation for this law.
- Respond appropriately to any tenant’s complaints of allergen or pests.
- Remove asthma triggers upon apartment turnover.
- Provide tenants with the allergen fact sheet.
4. Perform a lead-paint inspection
Dec. 31 is the final day for performing the required annual lead-paint inspection. In addition, below is a list of all your lead-based paint requirements for the year.
- Send an annual notice to tenants to inquire as to whether children under the age of 6 reside in the unit.
- Conduct an annual visual inspection of any unit in which a child under the age of 6 resides.
- Inspect and repair all lead-based paint hazards during tenant turnover.
- Use lead-safe work practices during repairs and renovations.
- Hire EPA-certified lead abatement professionals for any repairs of lead-based paint hazards.
- Inform tenants of owner responsibilities towards lead paint hazards and provide them with a copy of the Lead Paint Hazards in the Home pamphlet.
5. Submit EER for buildings due in 2022 on the covered building list
Dec. 31 is the final day to submit the EER for all buildings on the 2022 covered building list. This includes all buildings of 50k square feet with the last digit of 2 in the building’s tax block number. You can find the complete list of covered buildings here. If your building is on this list, be sure to submit your EER to the DOF before the end of the year.
6. Perform a gas piping inspection
Dec. 31 is the final day to perform a gas piping system inspection or submit certifications to the DOB for Community Districts 2, 5, 7, 13, and 18 in all boroughs. Gas piping systems must be inspected annually in all multi-family buildings. Inspections must be performed by a Licensed Master Plumber (LMP) or a qualified individual working with a LMP.
Make sure to cross this task off your to-do list before the end of the year.
We get it, it’s the end of the year and your days are packed. Which is why we’re here to help with this part of your to-do-list. So if you’re feeling overwhelmed with your compliance tasks, don’t hesitate to contact us today. We’re always happy to keep your buildings compliant and your work life stress-free.