What is it & what are your requirements?
Established in 1998 local law 11/98 is the Failure to File a Façade Technical Report (NRF) violation.
All owners of building six stories or higher must:
Execute periodic inspections of all exterior walls & appurtenances every 5 years.
Ensure that a professional engineer or a registered architect submits a timely Façade Technical Report
Make the necessary corrections within 90 days.
Have a professional engineer or registered architect file an Amended Façade Technical Report.
What are the classifications that you may receive?
- Safe
- SWARMP (Safe with a Repair or Maintenance Program)
- Unsafe
How can the Jaffa team help me avoid this violation?
With Jaffa’s Alert Service, you’ll always be notified when a Façade Technical Report is due. Missed filing it and received a violation? No worries, Jaffa can help resolve the fine and make sure that your compliant.
What are the deadlines?
Reports must be filed on Feburary 21st between the span of 2 years Your inspection and reporting schedule will
depend on your specific tax blocks as indicated below:
Blocks 4, 5, 6, & 9 | Blocks 0, 7 & 8 | Blocks 1, 2 & 3 |
2020 – 2022 | 2021 – 2023 | 2022 – 2024 |
Protection Barriers must be installed the day of receiving an Unsafe classification
Repairs must be done 90 days after receiving a SWARMP or Unsafe classification
Amended report must be filed 14 days after repair is completed
Façade reports………………. $425.
Amended reports……………$425*
Extension Request………….$305*
*per request
How much?
Filing of the initial report
- Late filing…………$1000/month
- Failure to file…….$5000/year
Correcting UNSAFE conditions
- Failure to correct……………See schedule in 1RCNY 103-04
- Failure to correct SWARMP conditions………$2000
Are there any other risks?
If an accident occurs due to unsafe façade that was not corrected, you may be sued and charged with criminal negligence.