Understanding all the terms associated with the Violation industry can seem overwhelming. Use our handy guide below to decipher the most important phrases you will want to know.
Department | Term | Short Definition | Long Definition |
Finance | Abatements | Abatements reduce your taxes after they’ve been calculated. Different abatement programs are available for housing rehabilitation, revitalization, and cooperatives and condominiums. | |
DOB | ABS | Automated Benchmarking Service | A service of EnergyStar’s Portfolio Manager that downloads consumption data directly from utility providers. |
DOB | Action | List of all Pre-BIS construction related activity, violations. | |
Actual Assessed Value | The assessed value before five year phase-in requirements (for some tax class 2 and all tax class 4 properties) and/or exemptions are applied. | ||
ECB | Adjourned | Date of ECB action to postpone hearing to a later date. | |
ECB | Admit/In-Vio | Admission of guilt, full penalty is paid, no hearing required, Certificate of Correction required. | |
HPD | AEP | Alternative Enforcement Program | The AEP is an additional enforcement mechanism that HPD uses to enforce the correction of housing maintenance conditions in distressed multiple dwellings. The AEP provides HPD with the ability to identify multiple dwellings that are not properly maintained and ensure that violations and the conditions that caused the violations are corrected. Using criteria set forth in the statute, each year HPD designates 200 different multiple dwellings for participation in the AEP. |
ECB | Aggravated Offense Level 1 | The same condition or charge was observed against the respondent at the property within 3 years of the date of issuance of current violation. | |
ECB | Aggravated Offense Level 2 | 1) Violating conditions may have resulted in a accident causing serious injury or death or posed a significant risk thereof, or affected a significant number of persons; or 2) respondent failed to provide the Department with requested information in support an investigation; or 3) respondent has a history of non-compliance with laws, rules or regulations enforced by the Department at any location throughout the City. | |
DOB | Alteration Type 1 | A major alteration in which the use or occupancy of an existing property changes. | |
DOB | Alteration Type 2 | An alteration in which the use or occupancy of a facility does not change, but includes multiple work types, i.e., plumbing and construction. | |
DOB | Alteration Type 3 | A minor alteration that involves only one work type such as a curb cut or construction fence. | |
HPD | Alternative Management | A City-owned building, managed by HPD, that is in the process of rehabilitation and conveyance to a new, responsible private owner. | |
DEP | AMR | Automated Meter Reading | The Automated Meter Reading system consists of small, low-power radio transmitters connected to individual water meters that send daily readings to a network of rooftop receivers throughout the city. |
DOB | Annual Test (Category 1) | Building owners must have a basic test conducted on their devices annually (between January 1 and December 31). A load test is not required as part of this test. The test must be performed by an Approved Elevator Inspection Agency and witnessed by an Approved Agency not affiliated with the agency performing the inspection. | |
HPD | AOR | An Emergency Repair conducted by HPD’s own repair crew | |
Finance | Assessed Value | (1) The property value given for tax purposes. Finance determines a property’s assessed value by multiplying its estimated full market value by the assessment ratio for the property’s tax class. In New York City, property may have three assessed values – actual assessed value, transitional assessed value, and billable assessed value. (2) The amount used to calculate your property taxes. The formula for calculating Assessed Value is: Market Value X Level of Assessment = Assessed Value. For Classes 1, 2a, 2b and 2c, the Assessed Value is modified by caps on assessment increases. | |
Finance | Assessment Roll | The list of assessed values of all properties in NYC. • January – the Tentative Roll is published and you are given the chance to request changes. • May – the Final Roll is published. If changes are made to your property’s Assessed Value, you will receive a Revised Notice of Property Value. | |
HPD | B Units | Dwellings used, as a rule, on a temporary basis. For example, single room occupancies are typically B units. | |
ALL | BBL | Borough, Block & Lot | |
DOB | Benchmarking – Local Law 84 (LL84) | Starting in 2011, NYC Local Law 84 (LL84) requires buildings over 50,000 square feet to submit an annual energy benchmark report to the Department of Finance by May 1 of each year. Properties with two or more buildings that total over 100,000 square feet and are on the same lot or under the same condo board, are also subject to this law. Benchmarking provides owners, tenants and operators with a greater understanding of their buildings’ energy and water consumption. To comply, owners must collect pertinent energy consumption data from their vendors, set up an account on the EPA’s portfolio manager website, enter the building’s space characteristics into the website, extrapolate missing data, enter the consumption data into the website, generate an energy usage report and submit the report to the City of New York | |
DOB | BIN | Building Information Number | A unique 7-digit number assigned by the Department of City Planning to each building for identification. |
Finance | Block | An individual area of land which is usually enclosed by city streets. Each block is assigned a unique identification number by the Department of Finance. | |
DOB | Boiler Registration | The City requires registration for the installation, alteration, or use of fuel burning equipment which has an aggregate BTU input or gross output equal to or greater than 350,000 BTUs, but less than 2.8 million BTUs. Call 311 to register a boiler. | |
DOB | Borough | 1= Manhattan, 2= Bronx, 3 = Brooklyn, 4 = Queens, 5 = Staten Island | |
DOB | Canopy Permit | Canopy authorizations and permits are required to place a canopy over the sidewalk. Canopy placement must be adequate for public safety and must be suitable to the circumstances of the proposed canopy location and not interfere with the public use of the sidewalk. | |
Finance | Capitalization | Converting estimated future income and benefits into a present value. | |
Finance | Capitalization Rate | A rate of return used to estimate your property’s market value for tax purposed. The formula for calculating the Capitalization Rate is: Capitalization Rate = Yearly Net Operating Income/ Total Value. | |
Finance | Census Tract | A relatively permanent statistical subdivision of a county in a metropolitan area, delineated by a committee of census data users for the purpose of presenting decennial census data. Census tract boundaries normally follow visible features, but may follow governmental unit boundaries. | |
DOB | Certificate of Occupancy | A Certificate of Occupancy is the key document used to certify the legal use and occupancy of a building. Owners must obtain a new or amended Certificate of Occupancy for new buildings or where construction changes the use, egress, or occupancy to an existing building before the building may be legally occupied. | |
DOB | Certification Disapproval Date | Latest date the Certification of Correction submission was disapproved by the Administrative Enforcement Unit (AEU). | |
DOB | Certification Status | Status of submitted Certificate of Correction or hearing, if dismissed. Certificate Accepted, Cure Accepted, Compliance-Insp/Doc, Certificate Disapproved, Certificate Pending, No Compliance Recorded, or N/A-Dismissed (No certification required). | |
DOB | Certification Submission Date | Latest date the Certification of Correction was received by the Administrative Enforcement Unit (AEU). | |
HPD | CIV10 Mailed | A status of CIV 10 Mailed is used by HPD to indicate that the tenant has responded to the CIV 14 (See “CIV14 Mailed”) and has contested that the corrections were made. HPD uses this status to indicate that the violation has not been corrected and may have been falsely certified. | |
HPD | CIV14 Mailed | A notice sent to the tenant once HPD receives a violation certification to confirm that the repairs were done. The tenant has a specific time period where they can contest, after which the violation is removed. | |
HPD | CLS | HPD Violation Hazard Class | Classification is based on the effect of the violation upon the life, health and safety of the occupants of the building and upon the public. The law establishes three classes of violations which are: “A”, non-hazardous; “B”, hazardous; or “C”, immediately hazardous. |
Finance | Community Board | 3-digit identifier: Borough code = first position, last 2 – community board. | |
Finance | Comparable Sales Method | Properties’ Market Value based on sales of similar properties with adjustments for differences in size, location and time of the sale. This method is used to determine the Market Value of Tax Class 1 properties. | |
DOB | Complaint Number | 7-digit number assigned to complaint by Department of Buildings. | |
DOB | Complaints | Total number of complaints on a property. | |
DOB | Compliance On | First recorded date of compliance with the DOB. | |
ECB | Court Docket Date | Date the penalty judgement is docketed or filed with Supreme Court. | |
HPD | Court Stipulation | During the course of a civil lawsuit, criminal proceeding, or any other type of litigation, the opposing attorneys may come to an agreement about certain facts and issues. Such an agreement is called a stipulation. Courts look with favor on stipulations because they save time and simplify the matters that must be resolved. Stipulations are voluntary, however, and courts may not require litigants to stipulate with the other side. A valid stipulation is binding only on the parties who agree to it. Courts are usually bound by valid stipulations and are required to enforce them. | |
ECB | Cured/In-Vio | Admit, In Violation | Certificate of Correction approved prior to first hearing date, no hearing required. |
Finance | DDC | Department of Design and Construction | The Department of Design and Construction currently manages the design and construction portfolio of the City’s capital construction projects. Projects range from streets, highways, sewers and water mains to public safety, health and human service facilities, as well as cultural institutions and libraries. |
ECB | Default | When a respondent fails to appear at the ECB as required, the hearing officer will issue a default judgement against the respondent, based on the evidence at hand. Respondents may request a new hearing after a default judgment. | |
HPD | Defect Letter | A letter sent by HPD, relating only to lead violations, indicating that either the work was completed but no paperwork was submitted, or that the paperwork was submitted incorrectly. | |
DEP | DEP | Department of Environmental Protection | DEP protects the environmental health, welfare and natural resources of the City and its residents. The Department manages the City’s water supply, which provides over one billion gallons of quality drinking water daily, serving over half the population of New York State, and manages 14 in-City wastewater treatment plants, as well as nine treatment plants upstate. DEP also carries out federal Clean Water Act rules and regulations, handles hazardous materials emergencies and toxic site remediation, oversees asbestos monitoring and removal, enforces the City’s air and noise codes, bills and collects on almost one million water and sewer accounts, and manages Citywide water conservation programs. |
DHCR | Division of Housing and Community Renewal | ||
ECB | Dismissed | Violation dismissed at ECB | |
DOB | Disposition | Result of inspection conlcuding in a disposition of the complaint. | |
DOB | DOB | NYC Department of Buildings | The DOB ensures the safe and lawful use of over 975,000 buildings and properties by enforcing the City’s Building Code, Electrical Code, Zoning Resolution, New York State Labor Law and New York State Multiple Dwelling Law. Their main activities include performing plan examinations, issuing construction permits, inspecting properties, and licensing trades. They also issue Certificates of Occupancy and Place of Assembly permits. |
DOB | DOB Special Place Name | Name commonly used to refer to property (i.e., Empire State Building) | |
DOB | DOB Violation Number | A number that corresponds to the specific ECB violation. DOB number is comprised of the issuance date of the violation in YYYYMMDD format, the unit code, and violation sequence number. Used for internal tracking only. Not a separate violation. | |
ECB | Docketed | If ECB’s attempts to obtain payment from respondents are unsuccessful, the cases are filed, or “docketed,” in the New York State Supreme Court. ECB then sends a list of all docketed cases electronically to DOF for collection. DOF is responsible for collecting default and in-violation ECB judgments. | |
Finance | DOF | Department of Finance | DOF collects City revenues efficiently and fairly, improves compliance with City tax and other revenue laws, values all real property in the City, provides a forum for the public to dispute tax and parking violation liability, and maintains property records. |
DOH / DOHMH | DOH / DOHMH | Department of Health and Mental Hygiene | DOHMH protects and promotes the health and mental well being of all New Yorkers. DOHMH generates community health profiles; issues birth and death certificates; conducts health and safety inspections to enforce the City Health Code; and protects public safety through immediate response to emergent public health threats. The Department also includes the Office of Chief Medical Examiner. |
DOT | DOT | Department of Transportation | DOT is responsible for the condition of approximately 5,800 miles of streets and highways and 790 bridge structures, including six tunnels. DOT ensures traffic safety and mobility by mitigating the effect of construction on traffic; implementing engineering improvements; and installing and maintaining traffic signals at more than 11,800 signalized intersections, over 1.3 million signs, over 300,000 streetlights, 69 million linear feet of markings and approximately 63,000 parking meters. |
Finance | DRIE | Disability Rent Increase Exemption | This program offers eligible tenants an exemption from rent increases. The owner of the building receives a credit against their real estate taxes from the City of New York. |
DSNY | DSNY | Department of Sanitation | DSNY promotes a healthy environment through the efficient management of solid waste and the development of environmentally sound long-range plans for handling refuse. The Department operates 59 district garages and manages a fleet of 2,040 rear-loading collection trucks and 450 mechanical brooms. Each day approximately 11,900 tons of household and institutional waste are collected. The Department clears litter, snow, and ice from approximately 6,000 City street miles, and removes debris from vacant lots as well as abandoned vehicles from City streets. |
FDNY | EAP | Emergency Action Plan | An FDNY required written plan which sets forth the circumstances and procedures for the sheltering in place, in-building relocation, partial evacuation or evacuation of building occupants in response to an emergency. An EAP is required for office buildings over 6 stories or 75 feet in height; or if occupied by 500 person on one or more floors, including the street level or by more than 100 persons on one or more floors; or is equipped with a Class B or M fire alarm system. |
Finance | Easement | An easement is a right, such as a right of way, which allows an entity to make limited use of another’s real property. | |
ECB | ECB | Environmental Control Board | The ECB is an administrative tribunal which only hears cases in which New York City has charged a person or business with violating City laws that protect health, safety, and a clean environment. The ECB does not write and serve tickets, but acts as the adjudicator for those city agencies that do, such as DOB, DOH and DSNY. Hearings are held by Administrative Law Judges who are authorized to impose fines and order respondents to correct violations. |
ECB | ECB Hearing Status | Adjudication status of violation at the ECB. | |
Finance | Effective Market Value | If State law limits how much your Assessed Value can increase annually, then you have an Effective Market Value. This value takes into account your capped Assessed Value. For Class 1 properties, it is calculated by dividing your Assessed Value (based on caps) by 6%. For Class 2a, b and c properties, it is calculated by dividing your Assessed Value by 45%. You must prove that your property is worth less than this number to have the value adjusted by the NYC Tax Commission or Courts. | |
DOB | Egress | A place or means of going out; an exit. | |
DOB | ENERGY STAR Score | 1-to-100 percentile ranking for specified building types, calculated in Portfolio Manager, based on self-reported energy usage for the reporting year. | |
HPD | ERP | Emergency Repair Program | If an HPD inspector verifies an emergency condition in a building, the last validly registered owner and managing agent of the property will be notified of said emergency condition by letter and instructed to repair the condition. If the owner fails to make the necessary repairs in a timely manner, HPD’s Emergency Repair Program (ERP) may repair the condition. If HPD’s ERP repairs the emergency condition, HPD, through the Department of Finance, will bill the owner for the cost of repairs. If the owner fails to pay the bill within 60 days, a lien is placed on the property. |
DOB | EUI | Energy Use Intensity | A measurement of kBtu per square foot per year. This information is included in Local Law 84 Benchmarking Submissions. |
Finance | Exempt Value | The amount/or percentage of the Assessed Value that is not taxable. | |
Finance | Exemptions | Reduce your property’s assessed value before your taxes are calculated. A property may be partially or fully exempt depending on the amount of the exemption. | |
ECB | Face Amount | Penalty charged at the time a violation is issued. | |
HPD | False Cert | The owner certified the violation was corrected but a subsequent inspection determined that the violation had not been corrected | |
FDNY | FDNY | Fire Department of New York. | The FDNY responds to fires, public safety and medical emergencies, disasters, and terrorist acts to protect the lives and property of City residents and visitors. The Department advances fire safety through its fire prevention, investigation, and education programs, as well as contributes to the City’s homeland security efforts. |
Finance | Finance Occupancy Code | Occupancy classification used from Department of Finance. | |
Finance | Fiscal Year | July 1 – June 30, the 12-month period the City uses for financial reporting. | |
DOB | Five Year Test (Category 5) | Building owners must have a full load inspection test conducted on their elevators every five years. A load test is required as part of this test. The test must be performed by an Approved Elevator Inspection Agency and witnessed by an Approved Agency not affiliated with the agency performing the inspection. | |
FDNY | FPP | Fire Protection Plan | New building and alteration applications for applicable buildings require a fire protection plan prepared by or under the supervision of a registered architect or professional engineer who can certify such plan. An FPP consists of floor plans for the entire building and a narrative description of the building’s safety features. An FPP is submitted to the DOB but is reviewed by the Fire Department prior to issuance of a certificate of occupancy, a temporary certificate of occupancy or a letter of completion, as applicable. An FPP is required to be filed for all high rise buildings; public assembly spaces with an occupant load of or exceeding 300 persons; hotel or institution (over 2 stories and 30 rooms); residential with over 30 dwelling units and 10,000 sq ft of mercantile, assembly, education or institutional use; or large (over 20,000 sq ft) spaces that are used for business, mercantile, factory, high hazard, or storage use. |
FDNY | Fuel Burning Equipment Permit | The City requires a permit to install or replace machinery that burns # 4 or # 6 Oil or has a BTU input or gross output equal to or greater than 2.8 million BTUs. Once the equipment is installed, the City will inspect the equipment. If the equipment passes inspection, the City will issue a Certificate to Operation. Call 311 to apply for a fuel burning equipment permit or a Certificate of Operation. | |
DOB | GHG Emissions | Greenhouse Gas Emissions | This measurement is included in Local Law 84 Benchmarking submissions. It is generally measured in metric tons. |
Finance | Gross Square Feet | The total area of all the floors of a building as measured from the exterior surfaces of the outside walls of the building, including the land area and space within any building or structure on the property. | |
HPD | Hazard Class A | Non-hazardous, such as minor leaks, chipping or peeling paint when no children under the age of six live in the home, or lack of signs designating floor numbers. An owner has 90 days to correct an A violation and two weeks to certify repair to remove the violation. | |
HPD | Hazard Class B | Hazardous, such as requiring public doors to be self-closing, adequate lighting in public areas, lack of posted Certificate of Occupancy, or removal of vermin. An owner has 30 days to correct a B violation and two weeks to certify the correction to remove the violation. | |
HPD | Hazard Class C | Immediately hazardous, such as inadequate fire exits, rodents, lead-based paint, lack of heat, hot water, electricity, or gas. An owner has 24 hours to correct a C violation and five days to certify the correction to remove the violation. If the owner fails to comply with emergency C violations such as lack of heat or hot water, HPD initiates corrective action through its Emergency Repair Program. | |
HPD | Housing Litigation Division | Attorneys in the Housing Litigation Division within HPD’s Office of Enforcement and Neighborhood Services bring cases to enforce compliance with the housing quality standards contained in the New York State Multiple Dwelling Law and the New York City Housing Maintenance Code. HLD PHONE NUMBER: (212) 863-8200 | |
ALL | House Number | House Number of Residence or Commercial Property | |
HPD | HPD | Department of Housing Preservation and Development | HPD is charged with identifying buildings with violation problems, assess and develop appropriate strategies to address those properties, and work closely with responsible owners to develop a plan to improve conditions and return buildings to firm financial footing and physical health. HPD uses enforcement tools within the Division of Code Enforcement, Housing Litigation Division, Emergency Repair Program or the Division of Special Enforcement to ensure compliance with legal and regulatory obligations. |
Finance | Income Capitalization Approach | Valuing property based on its estimated future income. | |
ECB | Issued as Aggravated Level – No | Not issued as an aggravated violation | |
DOB | Jobs/Filings | Number of BIS Applications filed on property (i.e., NBs, Alterations, Demolitions, Subdivisions) | |
Landmark Status | L Code indicates that the building has been assigned landmark status. | ||
Finance | Level of Assessment | The % of market value used to calculate your property’s assessed value. Also known as the assessment ratio. • Tax Class 1 – 6% • Tax Class 2, 3 and 4 – 45%. | |
DOB | License/Registration/Tracking Number | Number assigned to the skill trade person/contractor or licensed professional cited as the respondent in the violation. | |
HPD | Litigation: 7A | HLD initiates 7A cases seeking the appointment of an administrator to manage a building pursuant to Article 7A of the Real Property Actions and Proceedings Law, which provides that management control of a building may be removed from an owner if a building’s condition constitutes a danger to life, health and safety. | |
HPD | Litigation: Access Warrant | HLD seeks access warrants based upon violations issued by the Department of Health and Mental Hygiene or HPD, where owners have denied access to HPD to inspect or correct hazardous violations. | |
HPD | Litigation: Comprehensive | A case where Housing Litigation Division (HLD) seeks the correction of all outstanding violations in a building and/or civil penalties for owners’ failure to timely certify correction of violations; for false certification of correction of violations; and/or for failure to file a Multiple Dwelling Registration. | |
HPD | Litigation: Heat and Hot Water | A case where Housing Litigation Division (HLD) seeks orders directing that heat and/or hot water be provided and maintained. Fines may also be assessed and, if the owner is particularly recalcitrant, contempt sanctions including incarceration may be imposed. HPD also offers landlords with first-time heat and hot water violations the opportunity to attend classroom training in lieu of paying a fine. | |
HPD | Litigation: Tenant Action | A tenant can bring a case against a building owner in Housing Court to get an order to correct the conditions. These lawsuits are brought by tenants or groups of tenants against building owners to force them to make repairs and provide essential services, like heat and hot water. A building owner’s failure to make a repair or provide an important service may be a violation of the New York City Housing Maintenance Code or the New York State Multiple Dwelling Law. In such an action, a judge can order the building owner to correct the violations. | |
DOB | LL5 | Local Law 5 or 1973 | Fire safety in office buildings. |
DOB | LL10/80 | Local Law 10 of 1980 | Facades. |
DOB | LL10/81 | Local Law 10 of 1981 | Elevator Safety Test. |
DOB | LL16/84 | Law Law 16 of 1984 | Fire safety. |
DOB | LL58 | Local Law 58 | Filing to legalize work. |
DOB | LL62/91 | Local Law 62 | Boiler. |
Finance | Lot/Tax Lot | Tax lot assigned by Department of Finance. | |
DOB | MARCH Program (Interagency) | Multi-Agency Response to Community Hotspots | The Multi-Agency Response to Community Hotspots program is an organization run by the Criminal Justice Coordinator’s office that inspects compliance of bars and nightclubs. MARCH is a project done in conjunction with the Department of Buildings, the Department of Environmental Protection, New York Fire Department and the State Liquor Authority. |
Finance | Market Value | (1) The likely price a property should command in a competitive and open market. (2) Finance’s estimate of your property’s worth. | |
HPD | MDR No. | Multiple Dwelling Registration Number | A unique number assigned by HPD to individual apartment buildings. Buildings with three or more dwelling units must be registered with HPD’s Property Registration Unit no more than 30 days from the date of transfer of title or change in managing agent. One- and two-family dwellings need not be registered unless the owner lives outside the City. In such cases, the building must be managed by a New York City agent and registered with the Registration Assistance Unit. Owners must renew their building’s registration annually (buildings with six or more dwelling units by April 1st and those with five or fewer by October 1st.) In order to initiate a court action or to request a code violation dismissal, the owner must prove that the building registration is current. |
ECB | Multiple Offense | (1968 Building Code) – The same condition or charge was obseerved against the respondent at the property within 18 months of the date of issuance of currrent violation. | |
DOB | No Jurist | No Jurisdiction | This is a status assigned by the department to certain elevators including those in private residences. It is also assigned to wheelchair lifts in residential buildings. |
Finance | NOPV | Notice of Property Value | Your annual notice with details about your property that is produced every January. It reflects your property’s physical condition as of January 5. This information is used for the tax year that begins on July 1. If your value is changed you will receive a Revised Notice of Property Value. |
HPD | NOV | Notice of Violation | |
HPD | NOV Late | The owner has not certified the violation was corrected within the time period specified. For a landlord to remove the “NOV LATE” status and clear a specific violation from the system he or she must correct the violation and then ask for a reinspection by filing a Dismissal Request form. The form is filed with the appropriate Borough Code Enforcement Office and there is a $300 fee. | |
HPD | NOV Sent | Indicates that a Notice of Violation (NOV) was sent to the building owner. | |
DOB | NRF | No Report Filed | |
NYCHA | NYCHA | New York City Housing Authority | NYCHA provides affordable housing to nearly 420,000 low- and moderate-income City residents in 345 housing developments with 180,000 apartments in the five boroughs. Through federal rent subsidies (Section 8 Leased Housing Program), the Authority assists over 87,500 families in locating and renting housing in privately owned buildings. In addition, the Authority provides social services for its residents through 112 community centers, 42 senior centers, and a variety of programs. |
HPD | OMO | Open Market Order | A procurement order soliciting bids for work such as building maintenance or repair. The cost of an OMO can be no more than $50,000 and the contract is given to the lowest responsive bidder. |
HPD | Order No. | The specific provision of the Housing Maintenance Code that was violated. | |
Finance | Operating Expenses | All expenses related to operating a property except the principal and interest of a loan or mortgage and business expenses of the owner. Property taxes are omitted for assessment purposes. | |
ECB | Pending | A violation that is awaiting either a hearing or a decision from ECB. | |
Finance | Property Record | Displays how many records are attached to thee specific property. | |
DOB | Publicly-Owned | Penalty is waived and no hearing is required due to public ownership. | |
Replacement Cost | The cost to replace or improve a portion of an existing structure, for the same purpose using modern building materials, current standards and building requirements. | ||
Reproduction Cost | The cost to replicate an existing structure, using the same materials, standards, quality, and design as the original construction. | ||
ECB | Respondent Name | Name of individual or entity to whom the violation was issued. | |
SBS | SBS | Department of Small Business Services | SBS makes it easier for companies in New York City to form, do business, and grow by providing direct assistance to businesses, fostering neighborhood development in commercial districts, promoting financial and economic opportunity among minority and women-owned businesses, preparing New Yorkers for jobs, and linking employers with a skilled and qualified workforce. SBS is the City’s connection to 81 Local Development Corporations, 51 Business Improvement Districts, 10 Empire Zones and nine In-Place Industrial Parks that promote economic development and commercial revitalization. In addition, SBS promotes job opportunities for New Yorkers and business growth through job training and programs that meet the hiring and training needs of businesses. SBS also assists the business community by working with other governmental agencies and public utilities. |
Finance | SCRIE | Senior Citizen Rent Increase Exemption | This program offers eligible tenants an exemption from rent increases. The owner of the building receives a credit against their real estate taxes from the City of New York. |
ECB | Section of Law | Specific section of law cited by the inspector/officer. | |
DOB | SEP | Special Enforcement Plan | The Special Enforcement Plan (SEP) is a DOB initiative that formed 9 new programs and one research group. The programs are: • Excavations Audit & Inspection Team • Professional Certifications Review & Audits Team • Special Enforcement Team • Progress Inspection Monitoring Program • Violation Re-Inspection Team • Sidewalk Shed Electrical Safety Team • After-Hours Inspection Team • Interior Demolitions Team • Low-Rise Site Safety Team • & Professional Certification Qualifications Group. These new Department teams are working together, enforcing safety standards and Building Code and Zoning Resolution compliance. |
ECB | Severity | Indicates the severity level of the violation issued. 2008 Building Code: Class 1 (immediately hazardous), Class 2 (Major violation), Class 3 (Lesser violation). 1968 Building Code: Hazardous, Non-Hazardous. | |
Standard Description | Standard description of the violating condition. | ||
DOB | Stiplulated Compliance Due Date | The agreed upon date to file a Certification of Correction. | |
ECB | Stipulation/In-Vio | Admit, In Violation | Respondent entered into an agreement to correct the violating condition(s) and certify correction. |
DOB | Stop Work Order | The Department Of Buildings issues a Stop Work Order when Inspectors find hazardous and/or unsafe work conditions. Stop Work Orders are issued to protect workers, tenants, the public, as well as buildings and properties, from unsafe conditions. Full Stop Work Order -Stops all work on a construction site or building, excluding any necessary remedial work to make the site safe. Partial Stop Work Order – Stops a certain type of work or work on a particular section of the construction site or building. To lift a Stop Worker Order: Correct all the violating conditions that resulted in the issuance of the Stop Work Order. Request a re-inspection from the unit that issued the Stop Work Order to verify that all the violating conditions have been corrected. Pay any applicable civil penalties. If the Department finds work being done against a Stop Work Order, additional violations may be issued: First Violation of a Stop Work Order: $5,000. Any subsequent violation of a Stop Work Order: additional $10,000. The penalties for these violations must be paid before the Stop Work Order can be lifted. | |
ALL | Street | Street name where the property is located. | |
Finance | Tax Block | Tax block assigned by Department of Finance. | |
Finance | Tax Class | Property in NYC is divided into 4 classes: • Class 1: Most residential property of up to three units (family homes and small stores or offices with one or two apartments attached), and most condominiums that are not more than three stories. • Class 2: All other property that is not in Class 1 and is primarily residential (rentals, cooperatives and condominiums). Class 2 includes: o Sub-Class 2a (4 – 6 unit rental building); o Sub-Class 2b (7 – 10 unit rental building); o Sub-Class 2c (2 – 10 unit cooperative or condominium); and o Class 2 (11 units or more). • Class 3: Most utility property. • Class 4: All commercial and industrial properties, such as office, retail, factory buildings and all other properties not included in tax classes 1, 2 or 3. |
Finance | Tax Rate | The rate used to determine the tax you owe. The City Council and Mayor set an annual tax rate for each tax class. | |
Finance | Taxable Value | Actual or Transitional Assessed Value (whichever is less) minus any exemptions. This is used to calculate your annual tax bill. | |
DOB | Three Year Test (Category 3) | Water Hydraulic Elevators Only. Owners with water hydraulic elevators must have these devices inspected every three years in addition to the Category 1 inspection. The test must be performed by an Approved Elevator Inspection Agency and witnessed by an Approved Agency not affiliated with the agency performing the inspection. | |
Finance | Transitional Assessed Value | Increases to your Assessed Value are phased in at 20% per year (except for physical changes). Applicable to all Tax class 4 properties and also Tax class 2 cooperatives, condominiums and rental buildings with more than 10 units. | |
DOB | Viol Type | Type of ECB violation issued | AD – Administrative, BL – Boiler, CD – Cranes & Derricks, CN – Construction, EL – Elevator, HP – HPD, LL – Local Law, PA – Public Assembly, PB – Plumbing, PD – Physical Disabilities, QL – Quality of Life, SG – Signs, SS – Site Safety, Z – Zoning |
ECB | Violation Open | A Certificate of Correction has not been approved for the violation or the violation was not dismissed at the ECB. | |
ECB | Violation Resolved | A Certificate of Correction was approved or the violation wasw dismissed at the ECB. | |
DOB | Violations | Total number of DOB Violations on a property. | |
ECB | Violations | Total number of ECB Violations on a property. | |
HPD | VPU | Violations Per Unit | This is an average used to determine the amount of HPD violation issued to a particular building. |
DOB | VPW/VW | Violation Work Without a Permit | |
DOB | Water Use Intensity | A measure of water usage per square foot. This metric is included in Local Law 84 benchmarking submissions. | |
ECB | Written-Off | Penalty imposed at the ECB is legally uncollectable or a publicly-owned property. | |
DOB | ZV | Zoning Violation |