What is it & what are your requirements?
Established in 1998 local law 11/98 is the Failure to File a Façade Technical Report (NRF) violation.
All owners of building six stories or higher must:
Execute periodic inspections of all exterior walls & appurtenances every 5 years.
Ensure that a professional engineer or a registered architect submits a timely Façade Technical Report.
Make the necessary corrections within 90 days.
Have a professional engineer or registered architect file an Amended Façade Technical Report.
What are the classifications that you may receive?
- Safe
- SWARMP (Safe with a Repair or Maintenance Program)
- Unsafe
How can the Jaffa team help me avoid this violations?
With Jaffa’s Alert Service, you’ll always be notified when a Façade Technical Report is due. Missed filing it anyway?
No worries, Jaffa can help resolve the fine and make sure that your compliant no matter what your classification is.
What are the deadlines?
February 21st but different tax blocks have different inspection and reporting schedule:
Protection Barriers must be installed the day of receiving an Unsafe classification
Repairs must be done 90 days after receiving a SWARMP or Unsafe classification Amended report must be filed 14 days after repair is completed
Façade reports………………. $265
Amended reports……………$100*
Extension Request………….$135*
How much?
Filing of the initial report:
Late filing…………$250/month
Failure to file…….$1000/year
Correcting UNSAFE conditions
Failure to correct….$1000/month
Are there any other risks?
If an accident occurs due to unsafe façade that was not corrected, you may be sued and charged with criminal negligence.
*per request